Thank you so much to Upward Twist for helping fund my medical missions trip to Thailand. Thailand is known as the land of smiles. I can see why. The Thai people are a very kind, expressive and giving people. I was so honored to be able to minister to them. My husband and I traveled with Medical Missions Outreach and we held clinics at 2 different sights in Surin Thailand, a 1 hr flight east of Bangkok. What I found unique about this trip is how involved the local and provincial governments were in helping our clinics to run efficiently. The government officials had opening and closing ceremonies at our clinics and at one clinic site even provided us with unlimited espresso drinks! Thailand is about 95% Buddhist and the government kept asking what the real reason we were doing these free clinics. We stated to show the love of Jesus to the Thai people. It was amazing to be able to share Jesus with many people who have never even heard of Him before. We were able to see 1473 patients at clinic and 6 precious souls received Christ as their personal Savior. My husband and I worked in education so we were able to have so many good conversations about hypertension and diabetes management. We developed such a sweet relationship with our wonderful translator. She shared with us her Buddhist background and how she came to know the love of Christ and now starts children’s ministries around Surin. She has such a huge burden for her country to come to know Jesus and it lit a fire under me to pray for the Thai people as well as my own country. I thank God for this opportunity to be able to serve with fellow believers on the other side of the world and relish in the fact that we serve the same God. I won’t soon forget the impact this trip had on me.