When my friend and I were discussing a trip together, the idea of going on a mission trip came up. When we looked at available trip options, Peru immediately tugged at my heart. This was my first overseas mission trip and medical mission trip. Medical Missions Outreach made it shockingly easy to serve and love on people on a whole different continent. From the church members we worked with, the high school students who translated for us, the ladies who worked at the school that made sure we were fed everyday, and of course the precious patients we had the privilege to serve, I absolutely fell in love with the people of Peru. We had a team of 42 people running both a medical and optical clinic. Seeing these people, many of who do not know each other, come together to serve was an incredible thing. As a nurse, I got to use my skills in the medical clinic working in the lab. Overall throughout the week, the clinics served a total of 2,861 patients, gave out 1249 pairs of glasses, and 658 people made the decision to accept Christ into their lives. If that isn’t a successful trip, I don’t know what is. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this trip since coming home and I feel so honored I was able to be a small part of it. I am so grateful for the Upward Twist and others who helped make this dream a reality. The people we served will stay in my heart for a long time and I hope that the work that we did will stay with them as well. ❤️